These are a Few of my Favorite Things
- conservatives who scream that charity should be in the hands of the people, but have the charity of a famished, wounded, rabid hyena
- liberals who scream that charity should be in the hands of the government, but make sure they pay less tax than anyone else
- libertarians who say society shouldn't impose morality on people, but then define morality in terms of society
- people who demand free speech for NEA-backed artists but are all for gagging anyone who disagrees with them
- people who rant and rave about polluting the environment, but who smoke
- people who rail against technology, but still use public utilities, and refuse to just go live in a cave, and eventually die and rot, returning their essence to mother earth
- health food fanatics who imbibe/inhale known poisons and carcinogens, and expose others to them as well
- people who claim to love God but hate their fellow man
- folks who scream about censorship when complaints are made about books, songs, etc, but never quit whining about religion on cable
- people who write articles like this without mentioning how many similar things they've been guilty of