I'm a Christian, actively involved in various things at our church, including leading a fellowship group and helping with the youth group. (If you find this weird, you should have known me before I was a Christian...)
My family:
We also have 2 dogs:
Until last year, we had a variety of wildlife (mule deer, all sorts of birds (including roadrunners & a painted bunting), bunnies, etc), and pests (ants, scorpions, black widows, tarantulas, mule deer, loose cats, wild dogs, cougars) on our 5 acres in the hill country northwest of Austin, about 1 mile from a fjord of Lake Travis. We were far enough out in the sticks to be on well water, yet just inside the area getting ISDN. There is a goat ranch just up the street, with a horse (Gypsy Star) and a donkey (Jenny) boarding there as well.
Now, however, we live just outside Round Rock, on 1.5 acres (smaller, but open and more useable), without all the pests we had at the other house. We're closer to church and work, but we are farther from the lake.
We home school.
I'm not affiliated with any political party. I tend to be a centrist. I am a firm believer in the concept that the best government is usually the least government, that people are accountable for their own actions, and that while you cannot legislate moral attitudes or thoughts, in the end the only thing you can legislate is the morality of actions.
I believe the 2nd amendment is as important as the 1st, the 4th, and whatever your favorite happens to be. If "they" can take that one away, "they" can take any and all of them away (and "they" will).
All material is the sole responsibility of the author. The provider endorses nothing here.
Miles O'Neal <roadkills.r.us@XYZZY.gmail.com> [remove the "XYZZY." to make things work!] c/o RNN / 1705 Oak Forest Dr / Round Rock, TX / 78681-1514