The Whole Hog Archive of REserved Food (WHARF) is proud to offer the Lunch REserver, or Regurgitated Lunch Server.
Wanna see what Sho, ranjit, various rabbits and others had for lunch? Wanna taste what they had for lunch? The WHARF Lunch REserver is what you want!
Attack our URL with your favorite web browser, a fork and spoon, and preferably a clothespin on your nose:
wharf:// provides this as a public service.
There is a free lunch!
provided you don't mind if it's slightly used
Last updated: 1 Aug 1994
Copyright 1994 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights reserved.
These pages are netscape-dehanced to get that total, virtually bizarre, scent.
Miles O'Neal, <> Rte 1, Box 558 / Leander, TX / 78641-9413