The Spumoni News is an irregular publication of the
Roadkills-R-Us News Network,
whose staff is not noted for its prune consumption habits. For
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Copyright 1989, 1995 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights reserved.
This article may be freely distributed via usenet only. Any non-personal
use (ie, commercial) of this article voids the warranty which prevents
my wasting hundreds, if not thousands, of yours and my dollars in lawsuits.
Copy permission may be granted if, in the author's sole opinion, other usage
of this article is for purposes the author holds near and dear to his
heart and/or wallet. For such permission, contact the author via email at Appearing in person in my
living room during daylight hours or when the lights are on for a personal
audience is also permitted, if no weapons are brought along. This notice
contains no MSG, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sunlight, air, or other
known carcinogenic substances or energy forms.
This copyright may be freely used, distributed and modified subject to the
conditions noted above in the preceeding paragraph.