Where people's web pages rate on the bizarreness scale has nothing to do with how bizarre these people may or may not be in real life, or how bizarre their t.b posts may be. We would no more judge dudu on smrtz web page than we would on smrtz capability to ingest thermonuclear missles with no repercussions. Which doesn't mean we don't encourage them to try.
Due to the pathetic whimpering which keeps me awake all night, and the rising cost of insurance due to letter carriers disappearing in amazing displays of pyrotechnics as they bring a deluge of letter bombs each day through the high voltage scanners out front, Ye Oulde Rating Systeme Hath Dyed A Timely Death.
Instead, we will now merely highlight here web pages which have, in the opinion of some incarnation of The Cabal (TINC), achieved the Bizarrha nature.
Look elsewhere for a more compleat directory of web pages related to tb personae.
You can also check out (but never leave) via the talk.bizarre Country Club.
Last updated: 22 May 1995
Copyright 1995 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights donated to the talk.bizarre Public Trust.
These pages are netscape-dehanced to get that total, virtually bizarre, scent.
Miles O'Neal, <meo@rru.com> Rte 1, Box 558 / Leander, TX / 78641-9413