<HTML> <HEAD OF="Fetuccini Alfredo"> <TITLE GRANTED="yes"> Official wEB.biZZaRe Press Release </TITLE REVOKED_BY="The Queen of England"> </HEAD FROM="your lovely neck"> <BODY FULL="use Miss Clairol" TEXT="#xyzzy" ANCHORS="away!"> <CENTER> The web.bizarre (talk.bizarre on the WWW) pages have recently been netscape-dehanced. We even have a whole page to talk about it, too. Anybody who doesn't get the point - well, they probably would buy stock in Blink, Inc. <LEFTIST_PROPAGANDA> <STRONG><EM><FONT SIZE=777> <BLINK><U><RUN_AROUND_ON_FIRE> <PRE> -Miles (meo@rru.com) http://www.rru.com/tb/ </PRE> </RUN_AROUND_ON_FIRE></U></BLINK> <FONT SIZE=-13></AUNTIE_EM><WIMP> <P> [may be moving soon, but it will leave a forwarding address if it does.] </BODY WITH="a machete so Detective Poirot can investigate"> </HTML>
Last updated: 31 May 1995
Copyright 1995 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights donated to the talk.bizarre Public Trust.
These pages are netscape-dehanced to get that total, virtually bizarre, scent.
Miles O'Neal, <meo@rru.com> Rte 1, Box 558 / Leander, TX / 78641-9413