But it sometimes is.
And it's also often obnoxious, sick, perverse, annoying, self-stupefying, and boring. It's been called "the cesspool of the net" [0, 1]. If you are easily offended, and proceed, then you probably will be offended. It will be your own fault. I don't offend easily, and there's certainly stuff in teeDOTbee that offends me, stuff that all by itself could cause the end of freedom of speech.
[0] At one time, the froup t.b.nice was created as a consequence of someone's whining (said person's name properly forgotten). The froup eventually died of hardened arteries because of inactivity. Alas, the one weird piece I wrote for it is trapped on an unreadable tape at home.
[0, 1] By me, for one.
Last updated: 22 May 1995
Copyright 1995 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights donated to the talk.bizarre Public Trust.
These pages are netscape-dehanced to get that total, virtually bizarre, scent.
Miles O'Neal, <meo@rru.com> Rte 1, Box 558 / Leander, TX / 78641-9413