Information categorised by subject. Please contact <> if you know of online information not in these lists.
This field includes anything on the web related to roadkill - serious or not, tasteful or otherwise.
As of 28 May 97:
- New Departments of Transportation list
- The Roadkill Project - a database of roadkill sightings by & for K-12 students
The following items appear to have moved or disappeared. Roadkill on the infobahn, as it were. If you have any idea where these have gone, please let me know. Otherwise, they will be removed altogether before long. -EdAs of 16 Jun, 2005:
- The Original Roadkill Artist - Tobey C. Anderson (select Wudz Up, then Roadkill)
- Roadkill & Wine (TM) feedback in ``Smart Wine'' online 'zine
- Roadkill Buffet - Improvisational Comedy at MIT