The Flag of the United States of Roadkills-R-Us
By order of the President of the USOR, the following describes the official National Flag of the USOR:``The flag shall have a dark background, similar to the primary color of freshly poured asphalt. An interrupted yellow bar sinister (I've always wanted to say that) shall appear vertically along the far border. More or less in the center, a somewhat tan, non-descript roadkill shall appear, facing the near border, with a small pool of blood near its mouth, blue "X'd out" eyes with beady, black pupils, and a vertical tire tread pattern (generic, all-weather, zig-zag) across its back. The following phrase shall appear, in white helvetica letters, above the carcass: "Tread on me".
Miles O'Neal
The United States of Roadkills-R-Us
1st April, 1997CREDITS: The original flag, shown above, was sewn by Suzi Styrofoam on rip-stop linen made from select roadkill products.
Last updated: 25 October 2001