Version 2.1.27: 25 Oct 2001
It is currently being posted monthly.
Publications, mail-order stores, and any other services mentioned herein are not intended as advertisements per se. I definitely receive no money or discount for mentioning any of them. Most don't even know that this list exists, or that they are included.
I make a policy of trying to include everything that I hear about. When something is sent to me, I may well include it verbatim. I will try to clean things up when necessary. I don't have the time, money, or inclination to try everything.
You should practice careful-consumerism in your monetary transactions with any and all of these services, just like I hope you do in all of your transactions. Do not assume that just because an individual or buisness is (or claims to be) a Christian that everything will automatically be perfect.
No warranty is implied about these services, but if you do experience problems, please let us know so that others can benefit from your (unfortunate) experiences.
New stuff and/or changes since last posting may be indicated by vertical bars ('|') in the first column, or by the notation, NEW! before it.
Forward any comments, corrections, and/or additions to: Miles O'Neal <>.
rmc has a World Wide Web home page at Additional artist web pages, email addresses, etc are available on a page under that one.
This one's scope is rather broad. They try to hit everything and to not be too nasty, although every now and then even they have to draw the line. Positive side: once you get to know the reviewers, its a cake-walk.They have been accused of mediocrity on the one hand and worldliness on the other. You can find Sandi Patti and King's X in the same issue.
939 W. Wilson Ave.
Suite 202-C
Chicago, IL 60640
| subscription: FREE (approx. 3-5 times/year)
Connected with JPUSA. Not just music here. But when they do review and/or interview, they do tend to know what they are talking about.
Heaven's Metal
P.O. Box 17367
Austin Texas 78760-7367
subscription: $12 for 1 year (6 issues)
The name sez it all. Published every other month. (send $1 for sample issue)
Notebored (Subscriptions) 1-(215) 593-7176
P.O.Box 238
Atglen, PA 19310-0238 1 yr (12 issues) is $12.99 (US)
($19.99 Canada, $35.00 elsewhere)
6 issues of Notebored per year with 6 supplemental issues of Xtrabored per year.
True Tunes News 1-800-669-TRUE
Hybrid-zine from True Tunes. Published quarterly. Consider it a combo review/interview-rag and mail-order merchandise catalog for the alternative/progressive christian music scene.
| The Cutting Edge
Christian Music Bulletin
Box 881
Portage, Manitoba Canada R1N 3C3
Subscriptions CAD$17.50/year ($19.90 as of 1 Jul, 1995). Outside Canada, please inquire. Purpose is to encourage, challenge and network Canadian music ministers.
Cross Rhythmns Subscriptions
Cornerstone House
28 Old Park Road
Web :
Published in the UK every two months, and prints a massive review section. If you're looking for the magazine that reviews the most CCM releases, CrossRhythmns wins hands down: their editorial policy is to review every CCM release - this results in about 100 reviews per issue.Cheque ("Cross Rhythmns") / Access / Visa / IMO 2 years 1 year 12 issues 6 issues UK: #29.00 #14.50 EC: #37.20 #18.60 Aus/NZ: #58.80 #29.40 Us/Other: #52.80 #26.40 (Prices in pounds sterling)
Free via e-mail ( and via the World Wide Web at ( Broad range... mostly rock/alternative/contemporary.... varies a bit... but a pretty broad spectrum...
Revelation! Christian Music Newsletter
Douglas LeClair, editor (
12120 Salix Court,
San Diego, CA 92129-3767
Covered wide range of Christian music from Adult Contemporary to Thrash and Metal. News, Reviews and Interviews... Douglas now runs a Christian radio show entitled A2A (Alternative 2 Alternative) on KPLR 620 AM at Point Loma Nazarene College, saturday nights from 9PM until midnight Pacific Standard Time. Featuring the best local Christian music.
$2.00 for a back issue (only #1 is left).
The Phantom Tollbooth
Web :
e-zine involving many former/current rmc netizens. Staff includes Linda
Stonehock, Shari Lloyd, J Robert Parks, Chris Parks, Ed Rock, Lisa Reid,
the Leifeste brothers, A. James Stewart and some others.
Covers 'music from a christian perspective' which usually ends up being
alternative music.
Visions of Gray
David Vanderpoel, editor
Sam Walton, designer
P.O. Box 724973
Atlanta, Ga. 31139
Features national signed and unsigned acts, but focusing on independents, especially relevant to the Southeast US.1 year, 12 issues: U.S. $12.50, International $18.50, 1st class $20.50 Full subscription includes free compilation CD featuring independent artists. Free trial subscription for three months available by writing to the above address.
Christian Country Research Bulletin
Christian Country Research Bulletin
7057 Bluffwood Ct
Brownsburg, IN
1-317-892-5031 (voice)
1-317-892-5034 (fax)
email: (Lee Roberts)
Call or write to inquire about subscriptions, info, etc.
Long's Christian Music
407-422-0293 (v)
407-649-1914 (f)
1610 Edgewater Drive (Mon-Sat 9AM-6PM EST)
Orlando, FL 32804
average CD price: $12.50CDM (Christian Digital Music)
Infinite selection
Their catalog is a must if you want to have a list of everything that is available.
average CD price: $8.99Christian Book + Supply
(up to $5.00 credit for trade-ins)
send a S.A.S.E. for a free catalog.
Sure the selection isn't as great, but who else is going to give you $5 credit for your used CCM CDs?
average CD price: $11.98|The Cutting Edge
(buy five, get one free!)
Their mail order is mostly music, but you can order just about any Christian merchandise from them.
Gone out of business. (Angelo Rubatto <>)True Tunes
Tend to go after the 'alternative' crowd a little more, in that they offer sales on artists that mainstream outfits don't. And they also stock independent labels. (i.e. not just stuff distributed by Word ;-)Jacob's Ladder Christian Music & VideoAccording to Jeff Elbel ( , the store and club are closing. The mail order store is not closing, nor is the magazine.
Rad Rocker's Distribution
1-313-439-7029 (v) (weekdays after 8pm EST and weekends)
1-313-439-7048 (f)
370 Greentree Lane
Milan, MI 48160
Serious collectors: this one's here for you.Family Record & Tape Club
If you don't have any CDs yet, then get in on their no-commitment membership. 4 for $1 apiece (+shipping). Selection is limited and prices in general are not that great to warrant staying with the club, unfortunately. But for the first time CCM CD purchaser, this is a deal you shouldn't pass up.Christian Music Buyers Club
average CD price: $10.49Phydeaux
Never have tried this, but they say they have posters, too.
Mostly Larry Norman and/or produced by him.Christian Book Distributors
Admittedly, mostly a book seller, but they do sell some music. Recent issue (bimonthly catalog) had about 1000, predominantely mainstream, titles.Don't overlook their W-I-D-E variety of christian books: fundamentalist, charismatic, mainline, scholarly, devotional, practical
1010 E. Carroll St.
Macomb, IL 61455
Hard to get christian music by mail order. New CD's starting at $4.99, new cassettes starting at $1.99. "I take any/all Christian CD in trade or buy them outright. If I do not have a particular item that you want in stock then I will find it for you." Free catalog (with current updates) for 2 stamps to cover postage.Corpqii Productions"I concentrate on christian rock, alternative, and metal and I have many out of print and one of a kind items."
Marc Plainguet (aka Gadget) (and other related bands) cassettes and other merchandise.Christian Book Connection
average CD price: $11.29Featuring nearly 30,000 items including books, Bibles, Bible software, CDs, cassettes, and videos. Their music catalog includes over 7,500 items. All merchandise is claimed to be 20% to 50% off the retail price.
Visitors to CBC can also view the monthly lists of best-selling Christian books and music (as determined by the Christian Bookseller's Association).
If you have difficulty in sourcing Australian CCM metal (Derancination, FleshWalker demo, Mortification, Paramecium etc), rock (Guns of Fire, Steve Grace, Andy Sorenson etc) try this one.UK |Compared to current USA CD prices, the prices quoted may cause you to involuntarily sit down. But, remember that in Aussie land CDs ain't cheap, first release and "current" CDs (both secular and CCM) run at Aus$27.00-31.00 ie approx US$20.00 - 22.00. CMP Air Post to USA at about US$27.00 per CD. Ring, write or fax for more info and ask for an estimated delivery date.
(UK's only dedicated CCM record store.)
Dual Edge stock records made by bands who have (at least one) Christian member, or whose lyrics deal with 'Christian' topics. You'll get your Amy Grant, etc., but also The Call, U2, Maria McKee, etc. Specialise in imports (got the original Dakoda!) and independent recordings. Also stock all Greenbelt Festivals gear (including festival tickets).Thanks to A. James Stewart <> for keeping me up to date on this.
PILA Music
07157-56430 (v)
07157-564390 (f)
Postfach 143
D-72133 Dettenhausen
``Prices are about 33 DM for a cd (thats german average) with a huge selection of christian music in all varieties (from A 1 SWIFT to ZERO) on cd, mc and lp. They also offer special discounts, low price sales, a free music magazine 6 times a year and more. They will give you a list of participating shops/bookstores in the major cities, where you can often listen to the cds before you buy them. The PILA people are very consumer friendly, the christian attitude shows!''Peter Reutter <>
The used music server ( maintains a database of used music (CDs, records, tapes, etc.) for sale and a separate (but equal) database of used music that is wanted. In addition to HELP (this message), there are currently 11 commands: LIST, LIST OTHER, LIST ALL, LIST CHANGES, LIST WANTED, LIST WANTED OTHER, ADD, REFRESH, DELETE, SUBSCRIBE, and UNSUBSCRIBE.
The server mails out an updated list every Monday morning. Send mail to with `HELP' in the Subject: line and nothing in the body.
The Compact Disc Connection. I mention it here because it is one of the only places I know of that a significant portion of the Blonde Vinyl catalog is still available through. For that matter, I haven't completely plumbed the depths of their 80,000 CDs, but I keep finding more and more material that I know folks on this group would be very happy to find a (reasonably priced) source for. To get there type the following from your local o/s prompt:
telnet cdconnection.comThe rest should be self-explanatory.
One of the neatest features IMHO is the ability to search their DB by manufacturer label. Of particular interest to folks on this group will be: BV (14 items), Word (88 items), Sparrow (64 items), Benson (31 items), Star Song (71 items). Of course if you are looking for some of the big CCM names (Amy Grant, MWS, Russ Taff, etc.), they actually are listed on secular labels. (e.g. Capitol, RCA, MCA) In those cases you might be better looking by actual artist name.
Essentially these are groups where one or more of the members have admitted publicly to some form of Christianity, and their lyrics tend to at least come from that world-view implicitly and in some cases and some times explicitly. This listing should not be misconstrued as some kind of 'approved artists list'
Suffice it to say that if you ever get to this category you will find yourself dealing with one or more of the following questions:
Alternative is a hard thing to nail down. One man's alternative, is another man's mainstream. And one man's alternative is another man's amusical trash. I know that I have been guilty of the charge of not liking anything that was popular. However, for purposes of categorization, anathema to the true outsider anyway, if it isn't available to the buying public through normal retail channels, it may be too alternative for its own good.
These artists tend to have more creative ideas than a label can ever hope to contain. So the various aliases, alter egos and founding member names are given for better tracking of their musical careers. Musical stylings in this category vary from R.E.M to Red Hot Chili Peppers. In no particular order:
Your best bet is to call Long's music and get their FREE catalog. Why? Well it isn't because of the prices, its the musical style codes and the selection. They have an entry for most everything that is available and its the easiest, most foolproof way, short of actually buying everything there is, of answering this question. Obviously if you have a christian bookstore close by, you can usually audition at least a small smattering of interesting choices as well.
I have changed my mind on this section again, I have severly condensed the comments of If you want more information than that given here, email him and/or .
A good purchase for Christian's who like techno and or industrial music is the SLAVA Music sampler avialable on Blonde Vinyl records called "Voice of the People."
"Only people can be Christians"We will not attempt to answer this question here, but instead refer your questioning to other (more-complete) treatments of the subject: (both pro and con)
Contemporary Christian Music: This Business of Music Ministry (in the book American Evangelicals and the Mass Media edited by Quentin Schultze)
Roll Over Beethoven, Tell Martin Luther the News: American Evangelicals & Rock Music (in the Journal of American Culture vol 15, no. 3)
Move Over Madonna: The Crossover Career of Gospel Artist Amy Grant (soon to be published in the journal "Popular Music and Society")
(available on the web)Our grateful thanks to both the originator ( (Peter David THOMPSON) and the new maintainer:
CCM Discography Curator: Matt Honnold (Matt at E.I.U.) e-mail: POSTED BI-WEEKLY August thru April POSTED MONTHLY May thru July
Is Collective Soul a Christian band?
Maybe. Some of the members, at least, grew up in Christian homes, notably
the principal songwriter, Ed Roland. But he doesn't claim to be a Christian.
( (Jerry B. Ray))
Yes. I believe I'm a godly enough man to judge other people's souls, and
I've decided they are christians. Because I think some of their songs are
kinda catchy. And God will need catchy songs in heaven.
( (Gabe White))
Is Alice Cooper a Christian?
A: Yes. Just listen to his latest album,
The Last Temptation and/or read the
comic books that go with it.
Why haven't I read any interviews about this?
A: Because Cooper's pastor and church have been
giving him the chance to just be a Christian, without
being assaulted by the media. We all need a chance to
What's the story on Alice Cooper's conversion?
Nobody in the public seems quite sure. It apparently happened
around the time of the Wayne's World movie.
Soon after that, someone gave Cooper a golf video (Cooper is
an avid golfer) which had a promo spot by R. C. Sproul. Vince's
(Alice's real, offstage name) wife, Sheryl, recognized Sproul
from the covers of some books her parents had sent them. They
dig out the books, and it's the same guy. They phone Sheryl's
dad to get the scoop on Sproul. Her dad suggests they check
out an upcoming conference Sproul is doing. He was really
seeking the Lord, and participated in public worship. People
who spoke with him there found him meek and humble.
Q: What happened with Michael English & Marabeth Jordan?
A: This FAQ is available in
format, or from rmc posts, or via email from
(with a subject line of "REQUEST M.E. FAQ").
Q: What's Steve Taylor up to?
A: He was in a band called Chagall Guevara on the secular label MCA.
Steve then released Squint (12/93) on Warner
(3/5 of the band was Chagall Guevara members). For reference
...all vocals by Steve Taylor, basses by Wade Jaynes, drums by
Mike Mead. In addition, Dave Perkins contributes guitars on the
song "bannerman". So 4/5 of Chagall Guevara shows up on the album
at one point or another. (Incidentally, the rest of the band on
the album is Jerry Macpherson (!) on guitars and Phil Madiera on
He also put out Liver, a "live-r than most" live album, and a "Best of" album with some bonus tracks. As well, he has been busy producing and writing with the Newsboys, among others. He also did at least one tour with the Newsboys (the Take me to Your Leader tour).
Now, according to Brendt Waters <>,
He has formed his own label, Squint Entertainment. The first
release will be a self-titled disc by Sixpence None the Richer
(produced by Steve). Release date is scheduled for Nov 4. From
what I remember reading in the announcement press release (which
I can't find now), Squint Entertainment will not only do music,
but films, too.
Q: Who were the people in Chagall Guevara?
Q: When is Chagall's next release coming out?
Q: What's King's X mean?
A: Steve Taylor, Lynn (Arthur) Nichols, Dave Perkins,
Mike Mead, Wade Jaynes
A: Unfortunately, this band is history.
A: Like all good Rock & Roll, it has multiple meanings, but
it seems that for the members of the band it has no intended
In Vol. 19, Issue 94 of the Christian magazine 'Cornerstone', two of the
band members were interviewed by Chris Ramsey, Dave Canfield, and Brian
Grover. Doug Pinnick, lead vocalist and bass player, and Ty Tabor, lead
guitarist, had this to say when asked "What does the name King's X mean?
Doug: Actually, I wanted a name that didn't mean anything, a name that you can't pinpoint. And we thought it didn't mean anything when we started, but when we moved to Texas we found out that king's X is a safety . . . you know, in the game of tag.
Also we found out that in medieval times in England there was a practice where a messenger would go to another kingdom to give a message to the king. And if the king receiving the message didn't like the message, he would kill the messenger . . . unless he had the mark of the king. It was called the king's X.
Ty: The X simply translated a message from one king to the other king. It said, "Please spare my messenger; it's not his fault if the message is not what you want to hear."
Q: Is Amy Grant possessed?
A #1: Get a life.
A #2: I have written a separate
diatribe on this.
Q: Did Leslie (Sam) Phillips backslide?
Q: Whatever happened to Leslie Phillips?
A: She is recording on the secular label Virgin under the name
Sam Phillips.
A: Original Answer: Get a clue.
New Answer: Why? Just because she moved from one segment
of the music industry to another? There is no evidence of which I am
aware that she has backslidden. See my separate
Amy Grant diatribe on the same issue.
Q: Whats the story on Ms. Phillips' first name change (from Leslie to
Q: Did Petra write "God Gave Rock and Roll to You?"
Q: Are (any of) the members of Kiss Christians?
Q: Did Petra write the song for
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?
Q: Whats up with Mark Heard?
A: In an interview on 3/16/94 on Fresh Air (public radio program) she
said that Sam was a nickname that she got from her parents when she
was very young.
A: No, Russ Ballard of the band Argent wrote the song in 1973. Petra
covered it (for the first time) in 1976 on their
Come and Join Us
album and Kiss covered it in the eighties.
A: There has been no declaration (public or private) that we are
aware of.
A: see above.
A: Mark had a mild heart-attack after he left the stage at
Cornerstone 92 (July 4th weekend).
He went to the hospital and they checked him out, everything was ok.
Then 6 days later, he went into full cardiac-arrest and was in a coma in a hospital in Springfield Illinois until Aug 16th when he finally passed away at the age of 40.
10/92 CCM said: "Heard is survived by his wife, Janet, and their 4 year-old daughter, Rebecca, who are currently strapped with medical bills totalling over $300,000. Those wishing to assist the family in retiring that debt can make contributions to the:
Heard Family Fund c/o New Sound P.O. Box 197 Merrimac, MA 01860
1) The medical bills have finally been paid off. Donations are still being accepted, but now they will go to helping Janet and Rebecca rather than paying for over-priced aspirins.
2) The video of the benefit concert is being prepared for release. Besides concert footage, it will also include the "Is It Any Wonder?" video from the Ideola project Tribal Opera, as well as a new video for "Treasure of the Broken Land."
3) More details on the Strong Hand of Love album: Bruce Cockburn plays an acoustic version of the title track; The Call submitted 'a searing version of "We Know Too Much"'; and there will be 18 songs total -- it's all that could fit (they've had to turn people away) -- though it's possible there might be "a limited edition book that will include two discs and any of the songs that didn't make it to the initial disc release".
4) Box sets: Fingerprint is also attempting to get the rights to all of Mark's recordings -- 16 released albums and a host of unreleased material -- with the goal of collecting it all into a single box set. They say it'll be a few years, but in the meantime are looking for any good quality live recordings that folks might have to be included in the package.
Strong Hand of Love is out, but nota bene: the order and the songs on the CD are not the same on the cassette. Orphans of God, a 30 track box of some unreleased Mark Heard combined with some of the other tributes that have neither made it to the tape or CD should be released sometime in the first half of 1995. Fingerprint has also released an interview CD from the Mark Heard tribute radio special, featuring interviews with Sam Phillips and Bruce Cockburn. It's only available in limited quantities directly from Fingerprint.
Strong Hand of Love has been nominated for best Contemporary Christian album Grammy. The awards will be handed out March 1 1995.
Q: Is One Bad Pig broken up?
Q: "Did [insert famous guitarist here] really say that Phil Keaggy
is the best guitarist in the world? I heard [said famous
guitairist] said it in a [insert popular tv show/magazine here]
interview, so it's gotta be true..."
Q: Does Phil Keaggy have all of his fingers?
Q: What's all the fuss about Mike Warnke?
A: Not officially. Paul Q-Pek left to pursue a solo career
in Nashvile, where he is reputedly close to signing a record
contract. Phillip Owen left the band because between running
his own business and his growing family, he felt he couldn't
make the time ocmmitments he needed to for OBP. Kosher (Carey
Womack) and (Daniel) Tucek are still praying about what to do
regarding One Bad Pig.
A: According to Phil (spring 1993 true tunes news), he has never
been able to verify that this was said by any famous guitarist
in any media forum, so it's quite likely that this is just
urban legend.
A: Nope, he is missing the middle finger on his right hand.
He lost it when he was 4 years old when a water pump fell on it.
(see the back cover of 2/93 CCM for proof ;-)
A: Vol 21, issue 98 (7/92) of Cornerstone (the publication
affiliated with JPUSA) published a story detailing the lack of a
factual basis for Mike Warnke's pre-conversion claims, including
those mentioned in his book "The Satan Seller".
It also focused on immoral conduct, dishonesty, and financial misdealing
in Mike Warnke's life and public ministry.
Then a newspaper article detailed the fact that his ministry has had its tax-exempt status revoked by the IRS.
Word has since suspended sales of his products, until the IRS is finished with their investigation.
On-line copies of this article and related material are available at .
Copies of the original, full-color magazine with photo illustrations are no longer available. Black-and-white copies of the original, full-color article as published in Cornerstone magazine are available for $2.50 from:
Cornerstone Magazine 939 W. Wilson Ave. Suite 202-C Chicago, IL USA 60640-5706Cornerstone is a member of the Evangelical Press Association and the Association of Investigative Reporters and Editors. The authors may be contacted at the address listed above.
The complete, unabridged story appears in the book ``SELLING SATAN: The Evangelical Media and the Mike Warnke Scandal'' by Mike Hertenstein and Jon Trott (Chicago, Ill.: Cornerstone Press Chicago, 1993); ISBN 0-940895-07-2. This book can be ordered from any major bookstore.
One may contact the authors by normal mail in care of Cornerstone Magazine at at the above address, or you may contact co-author Jon Trott via e-mail at <>. You may also contact one of the editors of Cornerstone Magazine, Eric Pement, at <>.
The files WARNKE1.ZIP (article) and WARNKE2.ZIP (Mike's response) can be downloaded from the JPUSA bbs:
+1-312-878-6030at normal modem speeds.
Many thanks to Eric Pement for keeping me straight on this one.
Q: What has Warnke's response been?
old A: Well, the only thing he can do to clear himself of the charge
of being a "consumate liar" is to produce an affidavit by someone
beside himself who knew him during that time. The only affidavit's
that he has produced are by people who have known him since.
November 9 1992 issue of Christianity Today has excerpts from an interview (by an independent syndicated journalist) with Warnke on the subject.
The 5/93 CCM says that Warnke has admitted to some (but not all)
of the charges that Cornerstone accused him of.
new A: Mike is supposed to be under authority now. I haven't
tracked down who the 5 people are that's he's submitted himself
to. Mike says that they don't want him to even try to address
details of the old allegations, but instead to just tell
everyone that he is under authority now, has repented of the
real sins (as opposed to untruths, the origins of which he says
he doesn't understand), and God has taken him back to real ministry,
without being caught up in all the trappings of a business.
This status comes from hearing and talking with Mike on a recent,
local talk radio program (I called in).
[I forgave Mike long ago, and prayed for him quite a bit. Who
among us would long survive unscathed on a pedastel? This in no
way excuses his sins - but we are called to judge sin, not Mike's
heart. And I must remember that "there but for the grace of God
go I."]
Q: Is Sandi Patti getting a divorce? Why?
Q: What are the relations (if any) of christian musical person's
with the last name Huff?
old A: Yep.
The REAL reason may not be known. The "official" reason from
Sandi herself (or her press manager, I don't know which) is that she
and her husband, who is also her manager, had different goals for
her career. He wanted her to continue a high number of performances
and she wanted to stay home with her children more.
Pray for them.
new A: Actually, she got one a while back. She remarried,
and has since publicly admitted she had an affair. She is
allegedly taking time off from her carrer to get right with
God (not a bad idea, eh?) Pray for Sandy, her ex-husband,
her new husband...
A: Dann and Dave Huff of the band Giant are not members of David and
the Giants. Ronn Huff, the hired-gun arranger of classical
strings on most CCM albums, is their father. Dann and Dave were
also two of the original members of the band White Heart.
David Huff of the band David and the Giants is Kellye Huff's father.
Q: Real life monikers of the (swirling) Eddies?
A: Source: Harvest Rock Syndicate, Volume 4, Issue 1 and the 2/93 CCM
Camarillo Eddy - Terry Scott Taylor Gene Pool - Greg Flesch Berger Roy Al - Tim Chandler Hort Elvision - David Raven Spot - Jerry Chamberlain Arthur Phardi - Rob Watson Prickly Disco - Gene Eugene
Q: Are the members of U2 Christians?
Q: So why does U2...?
Q: But Bono cusses so much... Why?
| Q: What happened with Roger Martinez of Vengeance Rising?
Roger still owns the rights to the name Vengeance Rising and is putting together a new album that promises to be extremely anti-God and anti-Christian.
The worship-faq includes a database of praise and worship songs, in ASCII text format in tab-delimited fields.
Over 3000 songs are currently listed in the FAQ, including many of the songs from Maranatha, Vineyard, NALR & OCP (Catholic), and many from the Integrity/Hosanna. Additionally, it includes information on songs written by members of the "worship" mailing list. Also included are pointers to various internet resources related to worship music, and address information for the major worship music publishers. Finally, it now includes a large section of books reviews related to the topic of worship.
For each song, the database portion of the FAQ includes title, author, copyright, tempo, key, songbook/page, theme, scripture references, focus (is God referred to as "He," "You," or "I" in the lyric?), licensing, and other useful information.
Because the file is tab-separated, it can be read into many database programs, which will recognize the tabs as delimiters; from there, the database program can be used to do searches and reports.
If you would like to subscribe directly to the Worship FAQ send your subscription request to :listproc@grmi.orgThe message body CONTENT should be as follows :subscribe worship-faq FirstName LastName
If you would like to just obtain the most current copy of the FAQ, without subscribing, send your request to :listproc@grmi.orgThe message body CONTENT (subject header should be blank) should be as follows :get worship faqOr if you want a specific part of the FAQ (say part 3 and part 7) you can send:get worship faq 3 7