Link to Me, Baby!
Linking to RRU is easy. It's also dangerous. But if
corporate giraffes
don;t give you nightmares, and you aren't afraid of the
Thought Police and the Humor-Impaired, go for it.
Basic Text Link
First, you can always just add a text link. This will
never make it past your marketing department, but then
again, neither will linking to anything at RRU, in most
cases. But if you're crazy enough to try, just add the
following where you want the link:
Visit <A HREF="">Roadkills-R-Us</A>
for your Minimum Daily Requirement of Bloat!
Feel free to substitute words of your own.
New! Deproved! Graphic!
If your corporate web weasel (or your own deranged mind)
insists upon a graphical link, first download or save
this graphic:
You may also use any other graphic from the RRU web site
for this purpose, without explicitly requesting permission.
Those we think are especially useful include:
Next, insert this HTML where you want the graphic to appear,
substituting your path to the image, and substituting verbiage
as necessary:
<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="/Images/rru-link.gif"
ALT="[Click me!]" BORDER=0 WIDTH=98 HEIGHT=36>
RRU - Recycling as far up the foodchain as possible!</A>
Whatever you do, run it by your legal department first
if you're a paranoid corporate type. That way, when
you're sued, you can honestly repeat the teenager's motto:
``It's not my fault!''
Last updated: 25 October 2001
Copyright 1995-2008 Roadkills-R-Us, Austin, TX.
All rights preserved, jellied, or jammed.
All giraffe images based on an image courtesy of
Philip Greenspun.
Gratefully used with permission.
Roadkills-R-Us and RRU are trademarks of
Miles O'Neal
Web space provided by
Net Ads.