Why We have No 3D, VRML, etc.
Oh, we're hip to all that. It's just that we are
ROADKILL, remember? That means
FLAT! As in dimensionally-challenged.
Planar. Depthless.
Oh, we know. You're thinking about bloat.
We think about it, too. After all, it brings in a
premium. But that's just gravy on the roadkill,
ya know?
Ya want 3D? Go visit SGI.
Last updated: 25 October 2001
Copyright 1995-2008 Roadkills-R-Us, Austin, TX.
All rights preserved, jellied, or jammed.
All giraffe images based on an image courtesy of
Philip Greenspun.
Gratefully used with permission.
Roadkills-R-Us and RRU are trademarks of
Miles O'Neal
Web space provided by
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